Daycare Drop Off 7:30 AM -10:00 AM.
Boarding Drop Off 8:30 AM -10:00 AM.
Boarding Prices
1 Dog – $40.00 per day
2 Dogs Same Room – $75.00 per day.
3 Dogs Same Room – $110.00 per day. 5 dollars extra if the dog can’t walk with another dogs due to behavioral problems or a full male over 8 months old.
How You Are Charged For Boarding
One Day:
A.M. to A.M. or from P.M. to A.M. the next day.
Two Days:
A.M. to P.M. the following day or P.M. to P.M. the next day.
Doggy Day Care Prices
$30.00 Per Dog Per Day
5 dollars extra for those who come in before 7:30 AM
Grooming Prices
All grooming prices depend on the size, breed, and condition of the dog, and can be discussed when an appointment is made.
Nails – $20.00
Call Today (207) 655-5085

If you drop off in the AM or PM, you will get charged for that day, because we need to reserve that room for your dog. If you pick up your dog in the AM, you will not get charged for that day. If you pick up your dog in the PM, you will be charged